Why Are Tip Jars Everywhere Now?

Is it me or are tip jars or a way to tip EVERYWHERE you go now?

I am noticing this more and more these days.  There are tip jars where there never used to be tip jars.

Here is an example of where there is a tip jar, but it says that tips are “always appreciated, never expected”!

Really?? Are they not expected?  You are kinda sorta forcing my hand here, the jar is right here next to where I have to pay and there is a huge sign on it asking for tips!!

And if that isn’t enough, they provide another way for you to tip.  You can’t even pay for your order without being asked about a tip!!

Unfortunately, this isn’t the only way tip jars are being forced upon us now.

Normally, you would leave a tip for your waiter at a restaurant where they took your order and served you your food at the table.  Now I go up to a counter, order my food, wait for it, pick it up and there is still a spot on my receipt for a tip!

And you know the restaurant has the ability to just swipe and not have you sign, but they purposefully have you to sign so that you can see the open space for a tip!

What gives?  Who am I tipping?  Does everyone today have to supplement their pay with tip jars?

If so, we need to change the law on wages.  Because here is how I feel.  I feel as if I am being forced to pay the employees salary when that should be the responsibility of the business owner!

If you can not afford to pay your employees a fair, living wage then you should not be a business owner.  I don’t think it is right (or fair to employees) for an employer to pay low wages and then allow employees to basically beg for tips from customers.

That is not the customer experience I am looking for.

And maybe it’s just me. Maybe I need to choose better places to frequent. What do you think?  Is it just me?

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